Tuesday, October 27, 2009

sporadic posting brought to you

By the cell phone! Stupid computer is giving me fits! Posting from the phone is not so easy!

I think I am on the tail end of my awful sinus infection. Yucky crud!

Not much going on around here. I have a list of things I want to sew and another list of things I need to sew. The need to sew list has won! And to top it off, its raining on my day off and that means the hubby will be home any minute. Better get busy before He gets here!

Have I mentioned how bad I am ready for October to be over and thanksgiving to come? I just love the holidays! Food, family, fun! Yea, I am rushing the time but I am ready for time to fly, I am waiting on some things to come to fruition! Woo! Good things!

That's all folks, just some random tidbits.

1 comment:

  1. i LOVE the holidays, too. i'm really looking forward to caroling. :)
