Tuesday, October 20, 2009

same old song and dance

So I debated what to post. HOW to post it AGAIN. I still don't know how because I am so pissed off beyond rational thinking. I wrote out two pages of my thoughts and don't really want to post them because it is all feelings and ranting. But, here it is in a nut shell. The day one of my best friends was killed, I found out I was possibly pregnant. The line was so faint that I waited to take another test the next week. So last Wednesday, I took another test and it was positive.. My fertility doctor took me in that same day and did blood work. MY HCG numbers were 16.5 and I had to go back on Friday to see where my numbers were. They were at 19. The HCG numbers should have doubled. They didn't and this means I will miscarry again.

Officially, I am still pregnant. Still nauseated. But so very pissed off because I am just waiting on my body to reject our 4th pregnancy. And why am I just so pissed off? BECAUSE it is #4!! I am supposed to be FIXED and I am very obviously not fixed. Because I have waisted yet another year plus a few months with a doctor I have seen twice in person and have had nothing but care from his nurses since then. I have spent money and don't have any answers. I fired him. More because his nurse called me once and really hurt my feelings because I was told that I was being transferred to a specialist in another state because "there is no more tests we can do for you" and I felt rejected by someone who hasn't done a damn thing for me in the first place. HOW DARE HE?! I didn't get a chance to FIRE HIM FIRST! LOL! Anyway, I am just in a very angry place with that Doctor. Then the cold hearted nurse called me back today and just made everything WORSE when she was trying to make it better. I was so angry that I cried when I hung up. I do NOT like to get that angry to the point that I cry. Stupid nurse needs some damn bedside manners. JUST SAYING!

SO, that's it really. I don't even know the name of the place I am being sent to but I have an idea and I like what I read on their website. We'll see. I am so skeptical but do you blame me???

2 weeks ago I interviewed for the best job and I am still waiting for an answer. I did get a phone call from the HR department on Friday and they said it was still available and that they were still working out some administrative issues. LORD I PRAY they get it worked out quickly. I am running out of time at my temporary part time job. I need some good news, bad....I hope this is it!

Right now, our feelings are that we are going to have more testing done and go from there. However, right now I also just want to take a break. A few months of not trying and just having some "fun" might be good for us both.


  1. oh hun. i know the last thing you want is platitudes and sorries. i just don't know how to express to you how much my heart aches for you. wish i was there to give you a big ole hug. perhaps you will get some exciting news about the job
    love you!

  2. Oh, Jen, I'm sorry. I pray for your strength, comfort, and peace, and I pray for the wisdom of the doctors and nurses you will see. Also got my fingers crossed on the job!

  3. (((HUGS))) i am still praying for guys...and what we discussed. God will lead you there. i just know it.

    love you. mean it.

  4. thank you all. and no, it's not fair.

  5. I will never understand miscarriage and all that goes with it. It boggles my mind.

    I'm so sorry........

  6. You are in my prayers! And I'll be home soon to hug you and come see you more!!!!! Donny is at home right now taking a test for hire BACK HOME BOO BEAR!!!! Me love you long time! and I know Donny would love to see Bobby and I'd ADORE TO SEE YOU!!! MUAH! LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!!!!
