Tuesday, October 27, 2009

hump day ramblings

My Mom revealed to me today that my little brother has hinted that he actually might want to move back to the farm!! I could NOT be happier. HOWEVER, we will see. This place was bought with the intentions of us all living on the land and raising our kids here, together, and watching out for and helping our parents. He moved out here but then decided it was "too far" to drive back and forth to our hometown area. What the real problem was? He was too far away from partying. BUT, now, his girlfriend has graduated from college and is starting a real job in January as a teacher and she wants to get married. So does he, apparently, the ring is picked out. Just a matter of time now. So....it would be an answer to my Mom's prayers! She wants her baby boy back out here, badly. And I miss him, too. I don't see him very often and that's odd for us. We have always been very close.

My head HURTS!!!!!!!!! It will NOT stop!! I am still taking my meds but they seem to be making me worse. I am so dizzy that if I turn my head too fast then I am swirling. It's bad!! I am sick of being SICK!

I am patting myself on the back because even though my head is killing me and I wanted to lay down and be lazy on my day off... I didn't. I cut out 21 skirts, 2 appliques for shirts and applied one, cut out a pillowcase dress and put all that cutesy stuff together... WELL, 1 skirt, 2 shirts, 1 dress, 1 pair of bloomers :) I am pretty proud that I got it all done.. My Mom did come help me cut and measure things out. I would NOT have gotten all that cutting done if she had not been here to help out. Love her!

Have you ever gotten to a point in your marriage when you just look at your spouse and you know, everything is good. I had one of those moments. I don't know how to put it into words but I just love him more and more every day. I have been trying to really tell him that and show him that the past few weeks, and vice versa. Wonder what he wants? He's been really good lately! :) LOL!

Even though we don't have the family we want, YET...we still have each other and the dog :) ... for now, that's all that matters. I have goals for us and we stand to achieve them if things keep on going according to plan, and all that couldn't be achieved without Faith. God is definitely working in us both.


  1. GW might be moving back and getting married?! WOW I haven't seen him in years! Well this sounds like a good reason to throw a party!! :) I'm so happy that you got some sewing done! I can't wait to see your creations you are so gifted and crafty! I'm jealous! MUAH! Love you!

  2. 21 skirts! wow
    that's cool about your brother wanting to move back. my sister has visions of our family living together on land like that and i'm all NO WAY! LOL

  3. it was so good talking to you yesterday. i'm exicted you have so many orders!!! yah!!!

    look forward to seeing all the things i've ordered...biting fingernails.

    God is great...and i'm so happy you guys are enjoying each other. that's all that matters, boo. live in the moment!

    love you. mean it.
